Category: Uncategorized

Isle of Wight Weekend

Not a good start with a stop at the Little Chef costing 10 quid for 2 coffees and toast and teacakes and I thought they were cheap. But the sun…

CWU Keep the Post Public

We both took part in the Winey Rally to keep the post public, combined with stop the cuts protest. “They say ‘Cut’ we say ‘Fight’.” “Royal Mail, NOT for Sale”…

Burnham Beeches

Today we had a trip to Burnham Beeches. This is an old forest and parkland owned and managed by the City of London. Its just of the M40 at Beaconsfield.…

Oxford Beer Festival

‘Attended’ the 13th Oxford Beer Festival at the Town Hall on Thursday with the Thursday night lads. It seemed that most of Oxford was there, very busy. It was £10…